Saturday, 12 July 2014


My west-facing studio is boiling hot in the evening.  Not much painting getting done during the week but I still have the weekend mornings which are pretty pleasant.  I’m finding this piece not flowing as well as the previous.  There’s a bit of distance in this structure and I have to resist the urge to get too detailed.  I just want to get in there with my detail brush and bring out every surface.

This chunk of rock is huge!  The picture below, using my Mother for scale, shows the immensity of this beautiful striped cliff face.

I love these fascinating finds. Everything I have found in Howley’s footsteps has opened my eyes to the colour and texture of rocks and I realize I haven’t really seen the rock before.  Now I see so much in every rock face that I encounter.  In one of the Earth Science courses I’ve taken the professor, in the first lecture of the semester said “Rocks speak to us if you know how to listen.”  I am learning how with each journey.

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